One Laptop Per Child.

Guestions Of Human Rights

This diskusions based on the human right based on the project One Laptop Per Child.

And When Supo Hackerd my laptops and bricked all my matchines using Absolute Software Computrace Absolute LoJack.

Who activated and bricked all my matchines without user authorization because i write something wrong on the Internet.

After that the Cops hunting me from Keltingmäki Jyväskylä Finland via the City of Jyväskylä to Lajavuori Finland using aller allo tre drone.

And one woman telling to me in a style like i don,t have license to using smart phones.

It's a guestions about human rigths because evry body have right to use Laptop and smart phone like the project One Laptop Per Child.

And it's a guestoin's about human rigth to speaking.

Best Reguest Thomas Issakainen.

Yrkes Web & Trollen Toritie 7 61600 Kurikka.
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